Our babies

Friday, June 29, 2018

Winter 2017

After a few months of living apart, we decided to be together. Our house still hadn't sold but it was tough on the family. We all moved into Gam Gam's house. There were growing pains and adjustments, but it was the best decision for us. We were together and that is what mattered. Asher and Ayla finished school the first week of December. We opened enrolled Asher into the district where we were planning on buying house. I found a MOPs group and Bible study to get plugged in with as well. Christmas was still split between Chicago and Urbandale. I rediscovered Des Moines! It was fun exploring and finding the fun things that it has to offer. We went to bounce houses, trampoline centers, ice skating, Shriner circus, played in the snow....so much to do. In the past, we would come for a short visit and not get to do much but see family. Now we are able to find all that Des Moines has to offer.  In January, we made a quick trip to Kansas City to see friends. Ayla turned 4 in February and had two princess visitors. Our house finally got an offer we accepted at the end of February so we started the house hunting process all over again.

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