Our babies

Monday, May 28, 2012

May Part 2

Okay, part 2 of our May adventures took us to Glen Ellyn to visit the Whites. This was the first time all of the White family was in the same place at the same time!  Here are a few pics of our activities.

A successful sewing project...burp cloths!!

Auntie Em, Mike, and Asher at Arlington. Asher tried betting, but we lost.

Daddy and Asher at Arlington

Mama and Asher at Arlington.

Asher was too cool for the races.  He just enjoyed the day napping.

Glen Ellyn wore him out.  He was zonked out the whole car ride home.

Uncle Danimal teaching Asher how to play video games.

The White Family! From left to right: Yoshi,Auntie Em, Uncle Danimal, Grandma Sally (Sarah), Asher, Aunt Dorrie, Grandfather Sir (Tom), Daddy and Mama.

Asher meeting Deb for the first time.  Notice Rex is right there making sure Asher is okay.

Deb is practicing her Grandmother skills for her grandbaby expected in June.

On a walk with the family. Uncle Danimal was such a great pusher, Asher slept the whole time.

Going out for dinner in the Pilot.  It was a full car!

Aunt Dorrie and Grandma Sally hanging out with Asher.

Grandma Sally loves it when Asher gets fussy because she can put her Grandma skills to work.  See how happy she is?  It was nice to have a break. :)

Asher crashed on the couch.

Avenger diaper cover.  It was a project for Grandma Sally and I....and it was a fail.  We will try again though.  We made with while the rest of the family was at Avengers the movie.

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