Our babies

Monday, May 21, 2012

The month of May Part 1

So much excitement the past few weeks.  We have experienced our first Mother's Day, first bath, first road trip to Iowa, first date, and Asher met so many people(Gramma's work friends,
Uncle Paul and Aunt Robin, Sarah, Abby, Larry and Mrs. Wylie!  Mike and I were able to sleep in and do so many activities because we had a full house to take care of Asher. Here is a photo timeline of our latest events.
I would like to submit this to Gerber as the next Gerber baby. :)

Aunt Missy did such a great job this weekend.  She is really getting in good practice for when her and Uncle Jon have their own.

Asher wanted to drive, but we said no.  He threw a big fit when he found out he wasn't allowed to drive.

Good morning Daddy.

My birthday started with snuggle time in bed with the whole family.

My first Mother's Day.  I love being a Mama!!

First real bath....at 6 weeks.  That is how long it took for the umbilical cord stump to fall off.  Asher wasn't happy or sad, he was just not quite sure what to think.  These are way more fun to give than a sponge bath

Meeting Nanna for the first time.

3 generations!!

Nanna, Gramma, Mama, and Asher - 4 generations!

Getting situated.

It was hard getting a full family photo as you can tell.  Nanna was worried about the wind in Asher's face.  Right as the timer on the camera would start to go off, she would be covering his face or checking to make sure he is okay.

The best one!!  Ages 7 weeks to 80+!!  What a great looking family.  I can't wait to get a full family photo with Mike's side.

Meeting Laura for the first time.  I was worried she might try to take Asher home like Aunt Missy wanted to. She didn't but she did snuggle for a really long time with him. :)         

Now we are off to Chicago to make our second major road trip. Hopefully it is as successful as this one was.

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