Our babies

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mike's blog update!

We're approaching month 1 of this whole baby thing. Observations written by Mike:
1. Asher is a chick magnet. He could be very useful for a guy trying to get attention from the ladies.
2. Asher is already approaching my propensity for loud, stinky farts. We don't need a paternity test; Every time he rips one, everyone clearly sees the resemblance.
3. My mom, Sarah, and Mandy's mom, Karen, are more excited about us having a baby than we are. We all knew Karen was dying for a grandchild and since we knew Missy and Jon weren't gonna come through, it was up to us to give her a beautiful grandchild. And Sarah appears to be the only person I've ever met who has fun changing diapers; I guess a 20+ year break was enough for her.
4. Mandy is a great mom. I'd say in the first month, Mandy has probably taken care of Asher 95% of the time. All day every day, and all night. I just show up when he's in a good mood, change a diaper or two every day, and wait for him to do something like spit-up or start crying so that I can look at Mandy and say, "What do I do?! Here, take him!" And Mandy NEVER complains!
5. Rex has changed. Maybe it has to do with Mandy being home all the time, but Rex has definitely toned down the "I want attention NOW" attitude he used to have. He has also growled and snapped at a few people who make a sudden movement in Asher's direction. We're trying to teach Rex to settle down when it comes to those things.
6. Having a baby is fairly boring in the first few months. Asher can be extremely entertaining because his facial expressions are crazy, but he can't talk or laugh, he can't play catch, and he is completely unamused by all of my antics, which is both uncommon and sad for me.
7. Asher loves to party. He has been a real trooper every time we go out to a restaurant or someplace public (Don't worry, we don't go to crowded places). At Buffalo Wild Wings, he was totally mesmerized by all the lights and sounds.

We had a professional photographer come last week; here are some of my favorite pictures from it:
One of Asher's most common faces.
Mandy made me put this up. Also, this is just before he crapped on me. It was so warm.
In case you were wondering, yes I was holding a treat to get Rex's attention

It was really tough to get him to sit and stay in the right place. Sorry Rex!

Sleeping is our favorite.

My beautiful wife holding Asher, who is practicing air-violin.
Ok bye.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3 Weeks old and still cute as ever

Resting before the photo shoot.

Right after bath time!

The shirt fits...a little too big.  He needs to get muscles for real like his daddy.

The White girls! They loved on him all weekend long.

Aunt Dorrie and Auntie Em

Church for the first time.
We have had an exciting week with new visitors.  I don't plan on saying much because Mike wanted to post how things were going from HIS perspective.  So check back soon for that.  Here are a few pics of what we have been up to.

Our photographer has posted a few pics from Asher's first photo shoot. Check it out!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Asher is 2 weeks old!

Asher has been in our world for two weeks now.  We had our 2 week check-up with Dr. Bondurant this week.  Asher did much better than his last appointment.  He was calm and happy and pretty much slept the whole time. Here are a few things Dr. said about him.
-weight 7lbs 8oz
-circumcision healed well
-hematoma on head is going down, should be almost completely gone by 2 month check-up
-very healthy
-everything looks good!

We ventured out for the first time this week as well.  We took a trip to Target, Wal-Mart, and Sams Club.  We also did a little patio drinking/eating downtown. The weather was perfect!

Target outing.  Asher was able to meet a student of mine.

Enjoying the nice weather during our first outing.

Gramma and Asher

Pat and Danny

Uncle Bryan found a new little buddy to teach how to walk.  Only a few more months and he will be ready Uncle Bryan!

We have had some visitors and expect more this weekend! Uncle Bryan was finally able to meet Asher and Gramma Idso was able to visit again.  Cousin Pat and Danny made a one night trip to see Asher too!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We have survived our first week

It is hard to imagine that a week ago around this time we were being discharged from the hospital.  Mike was getting the car and I was thinking to myself, "Here we go...I hope we know what we are doing!" We have had a fabulous week in my opinion. I am feeling like myself again. Asher sleeps like a baby (haha).  With the exception of two nights, he sleeps for good three hour stretches.  I can definitely handle that!  I don't feel too exhausted.  But it doesn't matter how tired I am, when I see Asher make his cute little faces, my heart melts and nothing else matters.

Rex has been amazing.  When we first came home, we put Rex on a leash and slowly introduced him to Asher.  He has become our little guardian.  When people (visitors/strangers) get too close to me holding Asher or Asher himself, Rex barks or just steps in between us. He loves to sniff Asher and give him licks on the head and hands.  When Asher is fussy, Rex comes running to his side.  It is really cute to watch.

We have had plenty of visitors, and they keep coming! Family and friends have been over to meet our new little man.  Whether it is bringing a meal over, fixing dinner, or helping around the house, they have all been a big help.  We really appreciate it!

No outings yet and if the weather weren't nice, I would be going crazy. I still have a few more days until I am able to drive again, but we aren't staying cooped up in the house. We have taken quite a few walks.  Mostly short jaunts down the street.  Rex is getting used to walking next to the stroller, although he has been run over a few times because he wasn't paying attention.  He is learning though.  Asher has only been awake for half of a walk so far.  Hopefully soon he will wake up and see what he has been missing.

Mike and I are loving our new life with Asher.  He is 10 days old today, and I can't believe how fast each day goes by.  Our life will never be the same and I wouldn't want it to be.  We are a complete family - all 4 of us!

First walk - I think I may have over dressed him, but at least I know he wasn't cold.

Mike's inspiration to work out harder each day.

Asher: Mom, do you really have to take so many pictures? I am getting annoyed.

Rex - the guardian

Friends forever

Monday, April 9, 2012

Asher meets friends and family part 2

Dudes day out celebrating Mike's fatherhood.
Uncle Jon with Asher.  I think he is going to be hearing about babies for awhile from Aunt Missy.  Maybe they will decide to make a cousin for Asher.
Grandma Sally....I am not sure she put him down the entire time she visited. :)

Our first visit to Dr. Bondurant.  He wasn't happy.

Aunt Missy is tuckered out.  She let Mama White sleep in.
Our first family picture at home

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Asher meets friends and family

Asher doing his impression of Randy from A Christmas Story

First car ride!

Matt and Brooke marvel at the awesomeness that is Asher

Mike hanging out with his new buddy

Mark and Asher had some good bonding time

Aunt Missy! She tried to take Asher back home with her...

Last day in the hospital

Mandy finally gets to play dress up

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Asher makes 3!

What a long day, but it was worth it! Asher William White was born at 9:32pm. He weighed in at 6lbs14oz and 19 3/4 in long.  Mom and baby are doing well.  After a full day of waiting on Asher, we decided to take him out via Cesarian section. All went well.  Mike went with Asher to get cleaned up as I was being stitched up.  We had not decided on a name, but in the elevator on the way to the nursery Mike mentioned we were thinking of the name Asher. He then opened his eyes and looked right at Mike.  That's how we knew the name fit. Gramma Idso, Sadie White, and Grandpa White have been spoiling Asher a lot already.  Uncle Danimal is pretty excited as well.  I can't wait for Aunt Missy, Uncle Jon, and Uncle Bryan to meet Asher Easter weekend!