Our babies

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We have survived our first week

It is hard to imagine that a week ago around this time we were being discharged from the hospital.  Mike was getting the car and I was thinking to myself, "Here we go...I hope we know what we are doing!" We have had a fabulous week in my opinion. I am feeling like myself again. Asher sleeps like a baby (haha).  With the exception of two nights, he sleeps for good three hour stretches.  I can definitely handle that!  I don't feel too exhausted.  But it doesn't matter how tired I am, when I see Asher make his cute little faces, my heart melts and nothing else matters.

Rex has been amazing.  When we first came home, we put Rex on a leash and slowly introduced him to Asher.  He has become our little guardian.  When people (visitors/strangers) get too close to me holding Asher or Asher himself, Rex barks or just steps in between us. He loves to sniff Asher and give him licks on the head and hands.  When Asher is fussy, Rex comes running to his side.  It is really cute to watch.

We have had plenty of visitors, and they keep coming! Family and friends have been over to meet our new little man.  Whether it is bringing a meal over, fixing dinner, or helping around the house, they have all been a big help.  We really appreciate it!

No outings yet and if the weather weren't nice, I would be going crazy. I still have a few more days until I am able to drive again, but we aren't staying cooped up in the house. We have taken quite a few walks.  Mostly short jaunts down the street.  Rex is getting used to walking next to the stroller, although he has been run over a few times because he wasn't paying attention.  He is learning though.  Asher has only been awake for half of a walk so far.  Hopefully soon he will wake up and see what he has been missing.

Mike and I are loving our new life with Asher.  He is 10 days old today, and I can't believe how fast each day goes by.  Our life will never be the same and I wouldn't want it to be.  We are a complete family - all 4 of us!

First walk - I think I may have over dressed him, but at least I know he wasn't cold.

Mike's inspiration to work out harder each day.

Asher: Mom, do you really have to take so many pictures? I am getting annoyed.

Rex - the guardian

Friends forever

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