Our babies

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Asher is 2 weeks old!

Asher has been in our world for two weeks now.  We had our 2 week check-up with Dr. Bondurant this week.  Asher did much better than his last appointment.  He was calm and happy and pretty much slept the whole time. Here are a few things Dr. said about him.
-weight 7lbs 8oz
-circumcision healed well
-hematoma on head is going down, should be almost completely gone by 2 month check-up
-very healthy
-everything looks good!

We ventured out for the first time this week as well.  We took a trip to Target, Wal-Mart, and Sams Club.  We also did a little patio drinking/eating downtown. The weather was perfect!

Target outing.  Asher was able to meet a student of mine.

Enjoying the nice weather during our first outing.

Gramma and Asher

Pat and Danny

Uncle Bryan found a new little buddy to teach how to walk.  Only a few more months and he will be ready Uncle Bryan!

We have had some visitors and expect more this weekend! Uncle Bryan was finally able to meet Asher and Gramma Idso was able to visit again.  Cousin Pat and Danny made a one night trip to see Asher too!

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