Our babies

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Asher makes 3!

What a long day, but it was worth it! Asher William White was born at 9:32pm. He weighed in at 6lbs14oz and 19 3/4 in long.  Mom and baby are doing well.  After a full day of waiting on Asher, we decided to take him out via Cesarian section. All went well.  Mike went with Asher to get cleaned up as I was being stitched up.  We had not decided on a name, but in the elevator on the way to the nursery Mike mentioned we were thinking of the name Asher. He then opened his eyes and looked right at Mike.  That's how we knew the name fit. Gramma Idso, Sadie White, and Grandpa White have been spoiling Asher a lot already.  Uncle Danimal is pretty excited as well.  I can't wait for Aunt Missy, Uncle Jon, and Uncle Bryan to meet Asher Easter weekend!

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