Our babies

Friday, February 21, 2014

A week of adjusting

             So I am not sure I have experienced what life will really be like with two kiddos only because we have had a lot of help this week. We got home Sunday afternoon and Mike's parents were here to help. They were able to get in the car when they got the call last week and make the drive down. This was nice because all of a sudden Asher weighed a ton and wasn't my little boy I could easily carry like he was last week. :) We didn't have groceries and laundry was piled high. Tom and Sarah really helped with this.  We now have a freezer, pantry and fridge stocked with food.
             Asher went to Mother's Day Out two days this week. Thankfully Tiffany and her mom have helped us get him there in the morning.  I am not sure what we will do in the future, but it was nice for him to have his routine back. Asher also got to go on fun outings with Grandma and Papa (swimming at the hotel, Target, Kroger, vacuuming out the car). This was really good for him because even before Ayla surprised us, I was limited in all I could do with him. I think they spent more time then ever with Asher this week. His personality is shining through more and more so it was a win win for the Whites and Asher. We have decided that Grandpa will be called Papa. Asher just loves his Papa.
            Mike took Monday off from work but went back Tuesday. He had a test Friday so he needed to get back and study. I was okay with him going back because I knew I had help. Mike deserves a lot of credit. He didn't get awesome sleep this week with a baby crying every few hours, but never once complained. He came home after a long day and found a houseful of people and babies and a little chaos. He would quickly change his clothes and jump in where he was needed. I know this is what all husbands/dads should do, but I appreciate it so much and feel he needs praise for it. I think we are both looking forward to the weekend when he can chill out and relax.
            The weather has been awesome this week! I know the Whites are really appreciative since they came from freezing cold weather and snow. We have been able to have the windows open and I have even taken Ayla for short, slow walks around the apartment complex. It feels great to be outside and get fresh air. I hope the weather stays like this or at least returns to this when my mom comes down in a few weeks.
            Ayla has done well this first week. She is sleeping pretty good. We only had one night where she wanted to play or cry all night. I think it was because she was hungry. The nursing thing is going okay. We have had our ups and downs. Ayla is kind of a slow learner with this and gets frustrated. She loves her hands and arms. They must have been by her face in the womb because they are always up over her eyes or by her face. She squirms out of the swaddles to get her arms free.
           Big brother Asher is adjusting well too. He gives his sister kisses before bed and likes to check on her if she is crying. We are working on saying "Ayla" but for now he knows her as "Baby". He tries to share his toys with her and is a little rough, but it is all out of love.  Like I mentioned before, Asher seems like he has grown overnight. He is little for his age and always felt so squishy and small. Now when I hug him, he feels solid and huge! I don't know what happened, but my baby isn't a baby anymore.
            Our original plan was to have Whites come down and help out with Asher while we were in the hospital and then my mom come down once we got home. With the change of plans, my mom couldn't make it down. Her flight was already booked and it would have cost $400 extra to change it. I was bummed, but now that I have had a week of people, I am ready for a week alone. Actually, I am excited for her to come down in two weeks. By that time Mike and I will be ready for a date! When we had Asher, I wasn't ready to leave him alone....for quite awhile. With Ayla and Asher, I have already told my mom that she is babysitting on the Friday she gets here. :)  So I am trying to look at the positives with it all. We have Skyped quite a bit already so she is getting to see little Ayla. She asked today if she should send the outfits down that she has for Ayla. They are NB size. I figure Ayla will still be in size NB in April or May at this rate so Mom can just bring them with her when she comes. Don't get me wrong, Ayla is eating and eating and eating, but she is a little peanut and has a ways to go.
          People have been asking about her name: Ayla Louise White. Ayla (Pronounced like Kayla without the K) is a name we had in mind for Asher before we found out he was a boy. Mike's sister, Emily, has a screen name and email address with Ayla in it. It is from a video game, Chrono Trigger. Mike thought it was unique but not crazy. I like how it sounds. We got Auntie Em's permission to use it (we wanted to make sure she didn't have it in mind for her kids some day). This is how Ayla is described in the game : "The fiercely confident Ayla dwells in 65,000,000 BC. Unmatched in raw strength, Ayla is the chief of Ioka Village and leads her people in war against a species of humanoid reptiles known as Reptites." There is also an Ayla in the Earth's Children novels. Here is how she is described: "Throughout the series, there are many references to Ayla's having great spiritual and intellectual powers, many of which actually may be simple reasoning and common sense. She does have a knack for inventing things, and is credited with many innovations actually made over thousands of years of human history." But really, we just liked the name. Louise is my Nanna's middle name. I have always liked it. Nanna turned 84 three days after Ayla was born, so it definitely fits. So that is the story behind her name. 

Here are a few pics from the week and adjusting to new life.

 Asher playing with Ollie on Valentine's day. A morning play date turned into an all day affair.

Vacuuming out the car and getting the car seat switched around.

Bedtime story with Papa.

 Swimming at the hotel pool with the Whites

First bath at home for Ayla. Her hair was so fluffy afterwards

Getting ready for our walk.

I love playing dress up!

Just hanging out.

Blowing bubbles! He could do it by himself by the end of our walk.
Poor Asher wanted to walk, hold his snack, and hold his trains. He had a difficult time. He just couldn't put one down.

Asher got a big boy present on Sunday. It is his backpack for school!

Checkin' out sister in her swing.


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